New opportunities for students and OTGs

On September 13 rector of the university Ihor Tsependa held a meeting with the representatives of the village council of Stari Bohorodchany deputy village head Yurii Ivanyshyn and the head of the NGO “Tsentr Rivnykh Mozhlyvostei” Lesia Klymiuk. The meeting was attended by vice rector for scientific and pedagogical work Halyna Mykhailyshyn, dean of the faculty of foreign languages Natalia Yatskiv, director of the university project-educational centre “Ahenty Zmin”, associate professor of the finance department Svitlana Kropelnytska, executive director of Ivano-Frankivsk regional department of the Association of Ukrainian Cities Yurii Stefanchuk.

Meeting attendees exchange views on the prospects of cooperation between the university and community, in particular concerning possible participation of students and graduates in the community’s governing bodies.  

The partnership agreement has been signed between Precarpathian National University, village council of Stari Bohorodchany unified territorial community and NGO “Tsentr Rivnykh Mozhlyvostei”.

Under the agreement next week master’s students from the faculty of foreign languages will start doing their internship and giving classes in foreign languages in the youth «StBogoCaff» in the territory of the unified territorial community.