The role of PNU in the “New Economy of Ivano-Frankivsk”

On May 9, a meeting with Volodymyr Vorobei, a business consultant, expert with over 20 years of experience, director of the PPV Knowledge Networks economic development agency, took place in the Science Park of Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpatsky National University. The first vice-rector of PNU Valentyna Yakubiv, head of the Department of Materials Science and New Technologies, Professor Volodymyr Kotsyubynskyi, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Volodymyra Boychuk, Professor of the Department of Chemistry, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Serhiy Kurta, Head of the Educational and Scientific Center for Project Research took part and scientific information Tetyana Hrynyshak, employee of the research department Anna Boryshchak.

The topic of the meeting: the role of PNU in the New Economy of Ivano-Frankivsk.

The task of the project is to start creating conditions in Ivano-Frankivsk in which this will become possible. It was about the results and impact of innovative activities of PNU; what technologies, products, businesses and products the university has generated; examples of the successful impact of innovations; key barriers to innovation productivity and efficiency.