Our tutors took part in the summer school “Latvia at the crossroads of European culture: history and modernity”

The tutors of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, associate professor of the department of hotel, restaurant and resort business Oleksandr Novosiolov and professor of the department of world history, director of the Center for Medieval Studies Myroslav Voloshchuk took part in the summer school “Latvia at the Crossroads of European Cultures: History and Modernity” at the University of Latvia (Riga) and Liepaja University from June 27 to July 7.

In total, more than 40 participants from Latvia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China and Finland took part in the summer school.

The main goal of the school is to demonstrate the cross-cultural nature of Latvia on the border of civilization crossings, as well as to deepen awareness of the Republic of Latvia, its history, culture, tangible and intangible heritage, tourism.