Aleksander Kwaśniewski promised to personally attend the Ukrainian-Polish meetings in Yaremche next year

The man who led Poland into NATO and the EU, an influential global politician and friend of Ukraine, former President (1995-2005) Aleksander Kwaśniewski participated in the Ukrainian-Polish meetings held under the slogan “25 Years in NATO – 20 Years in the EU: Poland’s Experience, Lessons for Ukraine.”

The forum, that took place in Yaremche from September 19 to 21, was organized by Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, the East European Studies Center of the University of Warsaw, the Ivan Kuras Institute of Political and Ethno-National Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Polish Academy of Sciences Agency in Kyiv, the Polish Institute in Kyiv, the Freedom and Democracy Foundation, and the public organization “Galician Courier.

The second day of the XVII Ukrainian-Polish meetings in Yaremche began with a discussion panel titled “The Orange Revolution as a Turning Point in the Domestic and Foreign Policy of Independent Ukraine.” The captivating conversation was moderated by the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine (2005-2010) Jacek Kluczkowski.