Within the framework of a cooperation agreement a delegation from the Pedagogical University named after the National Education Committee in Krakow visited our university. The delegation was headed by Vice-Rector Prof. Katarzyna Potyrała.
Our Polish partners began their visit by meeting with our academic staff. Prof. Katarzyna Potyrała conferred diplomas to the students of the Pedagogical Faculty of the Precarpathian National University, who completed the dual master’s degree programme at Krakow Pedagogical University in the 2017-2018 academic year. This year there were 13 graduates.
In her congratulatory speech, Katarzyna Potyrała, who also acted as a supervisor of the Master’s research papers of the Ukrainian students, noted the impressive knowledge of our would-be pedagogues, their diligence and wished them further success.
“Over the past few years we have been cooperating with the Pedagogical University named after the National Education Committee in Krakow and have awarded graduates with dual degrees. It’s very pleasant. We are currently facing Europeanization of education. For all our universities, and institutions of higher education, in particular, it’s important to facilitate international partnerships, exchange experiences, carry out common educational and research projects, and train specialists,” – said Prof. Halyna Mykhailyshyn in her congratulatory speech. She also thanked the Polish colleagues for the fruitful cooperation and expressed hopes for further facilitation of international partnerships.
Prof. Nadia Lutsan, the chair of the Department of the professional methods and practices of primary education of the Pedagogical Faculty, spoke about the importance of the realization of common educational projects with the Polish University and encouraged the students to enroll in the dual master’s degree programme.
It should be mentioned that the Precarpathian National University and the Pedagogical University named after the National Education Committee in Krakow have been carrying out the cooperation agreement for four consecutive years. Over this time period more than thirty of our students have received their dual degrees.
During the visit of the Polish delegation Prof. Halyna Mykhailyshyn also met with our Polish colleagues. The cooperation results, the students’ progress and the main directions in expanding the partnership, as well as the importance of continuing to implement the dual master’s degree programmes were discussed.