For a week now, the rector’s daily meetings with the heads of structural units have begun with a moment of silence. We call on the entire university community to join the nationwide moment of silence. Every day, at 9:00, the Читати далі …
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Тел. (0342) 75-23-51, E-mail: office@pnu.edu.ua
For a week now, the rector’s daily meetings with the heads of structural units have begun with a moment of silence. We call on the entire university community to join the nationwide moment of silence. Every day, at 9:00, the Читати далі …
On 11 March 2022 citizens of Ivano-Frankivsk heard explosions again. The enemy, Russian invaders, shelled the airport. Scientists and scholars of the region addressed NATO and colleagues in Europe and in the world with an appeal to close the sky over Ukraine. NATO, close the sky over Ukraine! The link to the appeal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4Iv7rTZy3Y&t=174s
The International Society of Polygraph Examiners (ISOPE) has adopted a Resolution in connection with the military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. It states that ISOPE condemns the insidious and absolutely shameful military attack of the Russian Federation, which Читати далі …
Today, at this difficult time for Ukraine students of the Pedagogical Faculty of the Precarpathian National University addressed the international community with words of gratitude for the support of the Ukrainian people in their fight against the Russian aggressor. The Читати далі …