Heroes’ Day: war veteran Ivan Markovetskyi

On Heroes’ Day, the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations of Vasyl Stefanyk Prykarpattia National University hosted a meeting with a real Hero of our time, war veteran, historian, graduate of the Faculty – Ivan Markovetsky. Ivan Markovetskyi is known far beyond the borders of Frankivsk and Prykarpattia. After all, the story of the brothers who returned from abroad and stood up for the defense of Ukraine became an example of true patriotism.

The meeting with Ivan Markovetsky at the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations began with a moment of silence near the stand with photos of the fallen students and graduates of the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations. Ihor Gurak, dean of the faculty, gave a welcome speech. In the museum-exhibition space dedicated to the Russian war against Ukraine, Ivan Markovetsky presented a personal chevron for the exhibition, which was used in the 102nd separate territorial defense brigade until the approval of the symbols of the military unit. The veteran told the students about himself, about the first days of the war, life in the war zone, vivid front-line memories and rehabilitation.