“City-Business-University”: PNU demonstrates achievements and plans for the future

Today, the team of Vasyl Stefanyk National University of Prykarpattia, led by rector Igor Tsependa, took part in the “City-Business-University” event organized by the Business Association of Ivano-Frankivsk. The meeting was moderated by the head of the BAIF program “Education. Education. Innovations” Halyna Hryvnak.

Dmytro Romanyuk, Chairman of the Board of the Business Association of Ivano-Frankivsk, welcomed the participants. He emphasized the important role of universities in business processes, as they train future specialists and leaders who are able to implement innovative ideas and approaches in the real sector of the economy. Therefore, such a meeting will contribute not only to the establishment of an effective partnership between business and educational institutions, but also to the creation of a solid platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas and resources.