Information day of the Observatory’s adaptation project to the needs of the rescue service

Today on one of the Ivano-Frankivsk central squares the second information day on the implementation of the project “Adaptation of the former Pip Ivan Mountain Observatory to the needs of the PIMReC High Altitude Rescue Training Center”, implemented with the financial support of the European Union under the Cross-border Cooperation Program – Poland-Belarus – Ukraine 2014 – 2020.

 The project is being implemented by the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University together with the Department of the SES of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region, the Bieszczady Voluntary Mountain Rescue Group and the Warsaw University.

 “This is a special project because its implementation, namely the creation of a unique international alpine rescue post on the basis of the International Center” Observatory “of Precarpathian and Warsaw Universities, will help to save lives for many Ukrainians and foreign guests in the Carpathians,” emphasized the Rector of the Precarpathian University.

 Thanks to this project and close cooperation between the institutions of Ukraine and Poland, the issue of enhancing the safety of high mountain tourism will be solved by implementing a number of measures aimed at achieving this goal, namely: reconstruction and structural adaptation of the former astronomical and meteorological observatory on Pip Ivan Mountain (Chornohir, Carpathians ) to the needs of a high-mountain rescue training center and search and rescue station that will operate year-round;  development of high-quality joint Polish-Ukrainian trainings for rescuers of high mountain areas, with special emphasis on modern rescue techniques in different weather conditions, including practical cases;  developing emergency response mechanisms and ways of interacting with appropriate services in the event of a threat to the lives and health of tourists;  the creation of an electronic services platform as an effective information resource, on the one hand, for the exchange of experience and training materials between Polish and Ukrainian highland rescue teams, and on the other, a tool for informing tourists about preventative measures in the highlands, safe routes and  meteorological forecast.

 “Today, all our partners are here with us and within the framework of this project we are ready to train high mountain rescuers of Ukraine and Poland,” said Volodymyr Chernetsky, Head of the Emergency Situations Department of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region.

 During the information day events, the importance of the PIMReC project was emphasized by the Chairman of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration, Denys Shmygal.  “This project is very synergistic because it combines both the practical part, in terms of the rescue service, and the scientific potential, in terms of rebuilding the science center.  It also emphasizes the status of our tourist region, ”the head of the region emphasized.

 “All these activities will improve the professional level of high altitude rescuers and volunteers in Ukraine and Poland, contribute to the development of a comprehensive high altitude rescue system, expand cooperation between all project participants, raise awareness of the international community about safety measures and safe tourist routes,” 4 noted  of the Specialized Group of the UDNS of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region Taras Brinda.

 The implementation of the PIMRec project was called by a representative of the Warsaw University Innovation Bureau Jan Tygelsky as a “special mission of universities”.

 It should be noted that in this project Warsaw University is responsible for a number of organizational matters as well as the promotion of PIMReC.

 Close operational cooperation between the Polish and Ukrainian rescue services will also result in the development of common operational standards and, in the long term, coordination of rescue operations and preventive measures on both sides of the border.

 A special tent was set up in the Cathedral Square where everyone could get detailed information about the project.