On May 23, the rector of the university Igor Tsependa together with the general director of LTD “Karpatnaftochim” Ivan Pidsadiuk and the headmistress of Kalush gymnasium named after D. Bakhmatiuk Oksana Tabachuk signed a tripartite cooperation agreement.
At the signing ceremony there were also Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Chemistry Departement Sergiy Kurta, the Advisor to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of LTD “Karpatnaftochim” Svitlana Yesaulenko, Deputy Headmistress of Kalush gymnasium Alla Makovska. The university, the gymnasium and the enterprise will cooperate on improving the vocational guidance system by providing students with opportunities to practice and work in the enterprise, to develop research work among students and to implement educational projects. The main objective of the tripartite agreement is to train specialists on the basis of the dual form of education