The international project GGULIVRR@Lodz-2019 was recently held by the Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics of the University of Lodz. The project brings together students from different cultures and different educational backgrounds, as well as combines scientific, practical and team work of designers, software developers, marketers and economists.
55 students from Ukraine, Belgium, Ireland, Poland, Finland, Portugal, France, and Slovenia participated in the project this year.
Ukraine was represented by software engineering students of the Precarpathian National University, among them were Nazar Saviak, Oleh Rysniuk, Ivan Nyzhnyk, Vladyslav Kornuta, Serhii Khortiuk, Mariia Belei, Liudmyla Shevliuk and their team leader – the head of the department of Information Technology, Associate Professor Mykola Kozlenko.
The topic of the project for this year was “Lodz – Academic City”. The main task was to create an original idea to popularize the city of Lodz and find new technological solutions for its implementation.
Within the scope of this international project, student teams had to develop and present software solutions, analyze the market of similar products and create a business plan. It should be noted that each team had only one representative of each country. Students presented such products as: mobile applications, web services, and games to explore the city of Lodz in a new interesting way.
In addition to software development commercial partners of the project, ABB, Google, Fujitsu, and 9bits, were giving extremely interesting lectures and workshops on software design, development, testing, and management. This year a special attention was paid for artificial intelligence in game development.
This project provides an opportunity to gain experience of teamwork, interaction with new people, representatives of other countries, public presentation of developed product and software development according to required phases and technologies.