The rector met with the management of the largest and oldest university in Croatia

The rector of Vasyl Stefanyk National University of Prykarpattia Ihor Tsependa met with the rector of the University of Zagreb Stepan Lakušych and vice-rectors Tomislav Bolanchy, for business and digitalization, and Tomislav Yosyp Mlinarych, for innovation, technology transfer and cooperation with the economy sector.

The University of Zagreb is the largest and oldest university in the Republic of Croatia.

It has 70,000 students studying at 34 faculties.

The University of Zagreb has a very high level of innovation — 50-80 innovations every year. Also, the number of educational programs in English is constantly increasing every year at the university, where 3,000 foreign students study.

“For many years, together with our Croatian colleagues, we implemented numerous projects, in particular, scientific and historical ones. For example, thanks to our efforts, the memorial sites of the dead Croatian soldiers of the First World War were restored on the territory of the region. Such joint interaction between countries is very important for strengthening interstate relations,” Ihor Tsependa began the meeting.

He told his colleagues from the University of Zagreb about the Carpathian University, about the scientific schools of the PNU, about international projects, in particular, the International Scientific Center “Observatory” and the International Center for the Meeting of Student Youth in Mykulychyna.

The rector also spoke about the work on the new educational social rehabilitation program for war veterans “Find yourself!”, emphasizing the importance of consolidating the experience of countries whose psychologists and rehabilitators faced similar challenges in the post-war period.