University Docent Andrii Zamoroka – among the authors of the Red Data Book of Ivano-Frankivsk Region

Recently there has been a presentation of the scientific and popular publication “The Red Data Book in Ivano-Frankivsk Region. Animal life” at Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration. The author of the essays of the publication is Andrii Zamoroka, Docent of the Chair of Biology and Ecology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. The lists of the encyclopedic edition comprise 313 species of animals, the majority of which are on the verge of extinction: 137 invertebrates and 176 vertebrates. 211 animal species are included on the national list – “The Red Data Book of Ukraine”. 102 – on regionally rare animal species. The Red Data Book singles out peculiarities of biology and ecology of each of the species, the enumeration of threats and conservation measures.

During the presentation Vasyl Ivasyk, Vice Head of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration thanked all the scientists who had been working at creating the book and pointed out that the aim of this edition – to popularise information about representatives of the animal life who have a conservation status.

“Conservation and sustainable use of natural resources of our land is one of the most important tasks whose implementation requires united work of authorities, scientists and citizens”, − Vasyl Ivasyk stressed.

The initiators of the scientific and popular publication announced that 350 copies of the book will be given to the schools in Ivano-Frankivsk region, the rest of the edition will be distributed among students, scientists, forestry employees, ecologists and local lore scholars, etc.