Young Scientists of the University Have Presented a Collaborative Study at an International Conference

Nataliia Goshylyk, PhD, Associate Professor of the English Philology Department and Nazar Gainiuk, Master’s Student of the English Philology Department of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University participated in the
2nd Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian Studies Conference held on March 19-21, 2021 in the online format by Indiana University (USA). They presented the results of a joint study on the Holodomor and made a report under the title of “Representation of Holodomor in Contemporary English Media: A Corpus-Based Approach”. The research, which focuses on representation of Holodomor in contemporary English media, has provided a quantitative analysis with
results of the number of times this term has been used by media in various countries and the years of the most frequent usage.
The conference became a platform for fruitful discussions between researchers of the Ukrainian diaspora and Ukrainian scholars, who focused on the memory and  commemoration of the Holodomor, the Chernobyl tragedy in Ukraine and the world, analyzed the past and present of Ukraine. Representatives of the diaspora emphasized the desire to deepen scientific contacts with Ukrainians. More than 50 scientists participated in 10 discussions.