Rankings of the University:
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University takes up high positions in both international and Ukrainian rankings of higher education institutions.
1 position in “The best universities of Ivano-Frankivsk and Ivano-Frankivsk district” ranking
4th position in “The best higher education institutions of Western Ukraine” ranking
5th position in the international SciMago Institutions Rankings
5th position in “The best classic universities of Ukraine” ranking
5th position in Webometrix Ranking of world’s university
10th position in the Higher Education Institutions Ranking (according to the indicators of the SciVerse Scopus database)
10th position in «Top Universities in Ukraine 2023 – UniRank»
11th position in «Тop-200 Ukraine 2023»
Our university scientists are included in the world’s prestigious TOP 2% ranking of the world’s most cited scientists: Professor Volodymyr Lushchak, Associate Professor Oleh Lushchak, Associate Professor Tetiana Tatarchuk and Professor Taras Vasylyshyn.
Educational programmes:
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University educates specialists in 8 majors of junior bachelor’s degree, 94 educational programs of the bachelor’s degree, 67 educational programs of the master’s degree, 29 majors of PhD and 18 majors of doctors of science. The university conducts fruitful research and innovation activities. During its entire period of activity over 140,000 specialists have been educated in higher education institution.
The university maintains close relations with many scientific and educational institutions of the world, including the universities of the USA, EU and Asia. It implements 13 free double degree master’s programs with leading universities of the Republic of Poland.
The university is a member of international consortia:
Member of European University Association (2010 р.);
member of Consortium of Warsaw and Ukrainian Universities (2006);
member of the International Consortium of Universities (2015);
member of the Consortium of Universities of the Baltic Sea Region and Ukraine (2015);
member of the Magna charta universitatum (2018);
member of EDUC (European Digital UniverCity) (2022 р.);
member of International Consortium of Space University UNIVERSEH (2022 р.)
member of ORCID-Ukraine Consortium (2022 р.)
The scientific infrastructure of the university is represented by 23 educational and scientific centers, the International Scientific Center “Observatory”, the Scientific Park “Precarpathian University”, the Botanical Garden, the Arboretum “Druzhba”, the Scientific Library, 2 interdepartmental laboratories, 10 scientific laboratories and the Center for the collective use of scientific equipment. The university operates a joint educational and scientific laboratory of the physics of magnetic films with G V Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which has the status of a National Property of Ukraine. |
Grant projects of the university:
More than 35 international projects have been successfully implemented, in particular within the framework of ERASMUS+ grant programs, cross-border cooperation “Poland-Ukraine”, “Ukraine-Romania”, USAID, UNIDO, the “Renaissance” fund, Twinning “Ukraine-Great Britain”, DAAD.
The largest projects are: the State investment project “Construction of the International Student Youth Meetings Center of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland (Mykulychyn village, Ivano-Frankivsk District)” and the project “International Scientific Center “Observatory” on Mount Pip Ivan” (Pip Ivan, Chornohirskyi range, the Carpathians).
In 2023, for the first time the university won in the grant competition of the Horizon Europe program and now it is starting to implement the project “Expanding the capabilities of EDUC for the inclusive development of the European Research Area ” (EDUC-WIDE).
Every year, the university implements educational, scientific and infrastructural grant projects, developing its scientific potential, improving the educational process and influencing the development of the region.
University Structure:
The university consists of 12 faculties: the faculty of foreign languages, the faculty of psychology, the faculty of mathematics and informatics, the faculty of economics, the faculty of physics and technology, the faculty of physical education and sports, the faculty of pedagogy, the faculty of philology, the faculty of history, political science and international relations, the faculty of natural sciences, the faculty of tourism, faculty of management.
There are 3 educational and scientific institutes – Law Institute, Institute of Arts, Kolomyia Institute (Kolomyia town).
There is 1 college – Ivano-Frankivsk Vocational College of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
As for other structural departments, there are the sports and recreation complex “Smerichka” , the Nauka stadium, and the Olimp sports complex.
The university has 78 departments, the educational process is provided by 815 full-time scientific and pedagogical workers. Full-time employees include 174 doctors of science, professors (21% of the total number) and 506 associate professors (62%). Teachers and students were among the first in Ukraine to start protest actions, which grew into the Revolution of Dignity. A student of the Faculty of Philosophy, Roman Huryk, the hero of the Heavenly Hundred, became “Hero of Ukraine” (posthumously).
There are 17,192 students (5,146 – tuition free and 12,046 – under contract) studying at the university in all majors and levels of education, moreover, 731 postgraduate students and 19 doctoral students are obtaining scientific degrees.
Currently, the university implements a number of socially responsible projects aimed at improving working conditions for employees as well as conditions and quality of education for students.