A student of computer science won the international scientific competition

The   delegation   of  the   Precarpathian   National   University  participated  in  the  60th  Anniversary  International  students’ Conference of  Mining  Department   in   Stanislav  Stashitz   Mining  and  Metallurgical    Academy ( AGH)  in  Krakiv.     Andriy  Butenko,  Bohdan  Bihun, Andriy  Chykharivskiy,  Taras  Yurtz,  Ihor  Читати далі …

To Win in 48 Hours!

A student team of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University “GameHub PNU” which participated in the second round of the all-Ukrainian Computer Games Engineering Olympiad, has won third place. The event was organized by the Computer Engineering, Programing and Cyber Читати далі …